Monday, April 8, 2019


I organized and led a hike back when the weather started to warm up a bit in Jena (before the onset of Second Winter), and while it didn't go quite as planned (large group trips never do), the group had a pretty nice time.
We started at the Jenzig on a very windy Sunday afternoon and followed the Saale Horizontale hiking route across the plateau and down into the valley to a little dorf/village called Laasan (population ~50). We accidentally ran into a guy there who had keys to the old Rathaus town hall building (which is both a Denkmal/historic site and bat sanctuary), and he showed us the inside and told us a little bit about the village's history.
From there, we headed back to Kunitz, grabbed a tram into the city center, and feasted on a late lunch at the restaurant Cheers. We didn't quite make it to the Kunitzburg itself, but we could see it from Kunitz, and that was good enough.