This paper presents empirically-discovered power laws that can shine some light on traits of the Internet topology including neighbors and inter-domain connectivity. These laws are based on data about the number of ASes present between 1997 and 1998.
A few power laws were uncovered. The first involves the rank exponent, which states that the outdegree (number of edges incident to a node) is proportional to the rank of the node (index of node sorted by decreasing outdegree) raised to the constant R (slope of outdegree vs. rank of nodes, which can differ per graph family). Through this power law, the authors derive an estimation for the number of edges in a graph, which in practical terms can give an idea of connections between domains in the Internet.
A second power law states that the frequency of an outdegree (number of nodes with that outdegree) is proportional to the outdegree raised to the constant O (slope of frequency vs. outdegree). Apparently the O value is fairly constant regardless of the graph family. I found this law pretty amazing, as I would have expected much more randomness in outdegree frequency. In particular, the authors make a fairly strong statement about using this law to test realism of a topology, that if the exponent is far off or if the topology doesn't follow the law, "it probably does not represent a real topology."
A less powerful "law" (deemed an approximation because it consists of only 4 data points) deals with neighboring connectivity, stating that the number of pairs of nodes within some number of hops is proportional to the number of hops raised to the power of H (slope of pairs of nodes within some number of hops vs. number of hops). One of the four graphs actually had enough data to show any evidence of this approximation; the others were pretty worthless.
The final power law states that the eigenvalues of a graph are proportional to the order (in decreasing eigenvalue sequence) raised to the power of E (slope of sorted eigenvalues vs. order). This law is much more abstract to me; I'm not quite sure what the practical ramifications of it are.
I didn't think I'd like this paper initially, thinking it would be heavy on the math and light on applicability, but with each power law, the authors presented some ways to use the law, such as for estimating the number of edges, neighbors, and diameter of a graph. Additionally, these laws can be used to verify the realism of proposed topologies. In using these laws to make predictions for the future, however, they are basing estimates on a little over one year's worth of data from the late 90s. My intuition is that their guesses are far too low, but I would be interested in seeing current numbers for the Internet.
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