This paper discusses Chord, a distributed lookup protocol. Chord is a DHT that uses a distributed routing table and requires that each node have knowledge of only a few neighbors, making it scalable. It maintains a balanced load through the use of consistent hashing. Any key k has a successor node successor(k) that it corresponds to, with successor(k) being the first clockwise node from the identifier k. Nodes leaving and joining the network simply have values transferred back and forth between successors and themselves.
Each chord node maintains more than just the next successor; it keeps a finger table of a subset of log n nodes. These finger table entries can be used to find an identifier k by finding the closest predecessor j to k in the table and then sending the request to j and recursing until eventually the correct node has been found. A difficulty is in dealing with simultaneously joining/failing nodes, though apparently given a small "settling" time, the finger tables will eventually converge nicely.
The authors simulate Chord on a large network (thousands of nodes storing tens of thousands of keys) and also try it out on a smaller scale experimental testbed, looking at latency and path length. Problems they have not yet tackled include dealing with a partitioned Chord ring and dealing with malicious users. Additionally, there's a tradeoff between required number of lookups and finger table sizes which could use further exploration. Otherwise, Chord seems like a fairly straightforward, simple distributed lookup scheme.
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