The sun decided to make a brief-yet-appreciated appearance Monday morning after three days of Vitamin-D-less grey. The free (read: trashy) papers report daily on the hours of sunshine expected in different regions of the country, and over the weekend it was "0-2 hours" EVERYWHERE in Switzerland, even my beloved Bern. To be fair, Switzerland's a pretty small place, so it's sort of like saying that all of North Carolina is cloudy. Apparently I can expect a lot more of the same over the next few months. No more Berkeley-style "grey in the morning, sun in the afternoon"; it's Zurich-style "grey all the time," even in my office down south in Rueschlikon. Today is another exception; however, the temperature is just above freezing, so the bright sun just confuses me.

On the up-side, it's already begun to snow in the higher altitudes, and with temperatures already dropping below freezing this week, I'm hoping for a pre-Halloween snow! For some reason it seems like IBM still has the A/C running sometimes, and sometimes one of my officemates opens the window for a while, but no worries: I can keep my feet warm on my laptop's power brick. (Believe it or not, having a different three-prong plug design for every European country doesn't actually improve the electronic's power consumption. Shocking, I know.)
But due to the turn-for-the-crappy of the weather, I've started taking the bus up the hill to IBM from the Rueschlikon train station some mornings, especially on days like today when I've been duped by the sunshine into dressing for warm autumn weather. The bus stop sports a bright, colorful glass waiting area, and today's sunshine really brings out the best in it.

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