Monday, October 8, 2012

More of the Same

I have version 2 of the Hamilton County, Tennessee, watershed map ready to go today. Prepared again using QuantumGIS, with Elevation data downloaded from the National Map and transformed into a lovely elevation/terrain model.

I had to download the data because, even though there is a WMS service for USGS data that lets you pull it directly into Quantum or your GIS software of choice, it limits the size of the map you can "print." What that meant for me was that when I tried to create an image of the map, it was considered too large, and the images served up by the WMS (Web Map Service.. I have to remind myself of what these acronyms stand for so that someday I'll actually remember them) didn't show up in my map image.

I like this map okay but I like it less when I go back and look at the original HCWQ map that motivated this project in the first place. Oh well, it's a learning project... and I can't do it exactly the same way as Adam did because that would be unoriginal!