Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Black Hole for Resumes

Check out these sweet socks I got from a Google campus recruiting event! (Crappy picture.. whatever.)

I got them because I answered the question, "Where did Google first start, specifically?" (Answer: Palo Alto. More specifically: in a garage in Palo Alto. You could get way more specific than that, regarding whose garage and the relation of that person to Google's founders... but let's not.)

The recruiters were accepting resumes, and as I glanced around the crowded auditorium with well over 100 students in it, I wondered if the resume pile would ever have human viewers. So at the bottom of my resume, I wrote, "Hi! Does anyone actually read all these resumes? Bye! :)"

That recruitment event was October 21, and I still haven't received a response to my hidden message. Take from that what you will.