Evan and I paid a visit to Bellingrath Gardens outside Mobile, Alabama, during a sweltering summer day. (We're still unclear whether it's pronounced "Bell-in-grath" or "Bell-ing-wrath," as we figured the staff wouldn't understand what on earth we were talking about if we asked them.) There was a wedding being hosted there that day, and I pity those poor wedding party members who were wearing long sleeves having their photos done. (Or the guests who were going to be sitting out in full sun, for that matter.)
Bellingrath's landscaping is pretty spectacular, and my photos don't do it justice, but here are a few pictures of some noteworthy things we saw there. Above: an example of some of the plantings that line all the walkways on the meticulously-managed property.
Fountain in the middle of the rose garden
Plumeria, which I think look like little fondant flowers (and smell amazing)
A two-tiered hibiscus flower, with pentas flowers in the background
Dragonfly camouflaged against leaf
Mermaid fountain at the end of a stone walkway
Ridiculous sign in the Asian garden that says in rough katakana "Drink Coca-Cola".. dot. dot. dot.