Sunday, August 5, 2018

Berlin is a Male

Berlino is the Italian version of Berlin's name, and I wondered how one can tell whether a city is male or female. Putting this question to the test over a weekend trip, I got a few clues. (All-night-döner, the omnipresent 24/7 corner Spätis, and ashtrays built into the walls in club bathrooms are just a few ideas that come to mind.) But I also saw some interesting and/or nice things.

An old, abandoned amusement park, complete with a small train system around the border; not sure what this weird spider-looking pavilion was, but maybe part of a ride.

The Insel with water access and festival-type foods

Flower wreaths in Treptower Park commemorating Soviet efforts to free Berlin in WWII
(I happened to be there May 10, the day after Victory Day)

Soviet soldier rescuing a German child and crushing a swastika

Abandoned train cars and old train station... exactly the post-industrial, apocalyptic look I'd hope for in Berlin

Reichstag German parliament building

The popular tourist spot, Brandenburg Tor

Hotel Adlon, where Michael Jackson infamously held his baby over the balcony 
(on the far right, actual room just out of the picture)

Fashion for the large (or exxxxtreeeemmmmeeely large) man

Ashtray built into the bathroom stall wall