Wednesday, December 9, 2009

BotGraph: Large Scale Spamming Botnet Detection; Zhao, Xie, Yu, Ke, Yu, Chen, & Gilumm

This paper describes BotGraph, a system to detect Web-account abuse traffic generated by bots. It attempts to determine the botnet on the collective scale, not determining individual nodes, by taking advantage of similarities in configuration among nodes in a botnet. Detecting this abuse consists of detecting aggressive signups and logins.

Detecting botnet signups is based on spikes of signups from a given IP address. Locating all bots in a bot-user group is done through use of a graph with users as vertices and weighted edges between them showing their activity similiarity. This paper uses a DryadLINQ-based system to process large amounts of data in parallel for these user-user graphs. A nice thing about this paper is that if the botnets adaptively limit their signups or e-mails sent per bot, even if the graph doesn't pick them up as being bots, their activities will have been sufficiently scaled back that they don't pose nearly the problem they did previously.

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