Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Let Your Heart Be Not Troubled

In August my dear aunt Linda died after 5 years dealing with breast cancer. She was an amazing artist, and my room is decorated with several paintings she made for me (as well as some she encouraged/forced me to do). I'm fortunate to have such beautiful reminders of her, even if I miss her every time I look at them.

There was a lovely memorial service at her church in September that she helped put together before she died. (She knew her own family too well to let any of them speak at the service.) Her siblings and friends had made table displays showcasing some of her different hobbies and art collections, and this is one of her drawings that I really liked:
I had a conference to attend just a few days after the service, so my journey began with a heavy heart but was surprisingly lightened by the service. I took a minute to enjoy the gorgeous weather and views in Chattanooga, and then had to continue on my way.