Monday, December 4, 2017

Goats on the Roof, and other less stupid things

A summer roadtrip to Asheville, NC, required driving through Athens and northeast Georgia. One of the odd tourist attractions located along the way is Goats on the Roof. "Why are the goats on the roof?" you might find yourself asking. My advice: don't consult the (incredibly stupid) literature available at the gift shop to answer that question, because you will groan yourself to death.
 But at least the goats are cute.
While in Athens, we visited the state Botanical Garden, because it's free and awesome and has things like pitcher plant bogs and honeybees on blue bachelor's buttons (alliteration both intended and not).
Another oddity encountered along the interstate passing into Atlanta was a giant yellow bilboard that just reads "JESUS".. much like your thoughts might read if you're sitting in traffic on I-275.